How Cannabis and Mixology Work Together for Pain Relief

How Cannabis and Mixology Work Together for Pain Relief

Patients with cancer, chronic seizures, epilepsy, muscle spasms, and other debilitating conditions can benefit from low-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis products. These products need a prescription by a licensed doctor under the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Amendment 2).


Florida's medical marijuana program allows patients with the above conditions to get a doctor's recommendation. The recommendation allows them to buy, possess and use medical cannabis with 10% and above CBD and not over 8% of THC.


What are CBD Cocktails?

Lately, there has been a new trend in the medical cannabis scene-cannabis infused cocktails. Bartenders are now mixing small CBD amounts with non-alcoholic drinks. CBD cocktails are beverages with CBD oil, which is a natural extract from hemp. Alcohol makes you intoxicated, while a CBD cocktail leaves you feeling relaxed and has no after-effects.


CBD cocktails are also products of CBD isolates, which have no after-taste. CBD isolate products do not have any THC, so they are safe to use. CBD oil is now more popular as a wellness product as it contains significant amounts of CBD cannabinoids.  CBD is non-intoxicating and supports your regulatory system that keeps your body working efficiently and balanced. It is one of the reasons CBD cocktails have become popular.


However, you do not have to go to a bar to get a CBD cocktail, and you can easily mix your own CBD cocktails at home via online recipes. You can use CBD products like CBD tinctures, CBD isolates, or CBD oil to make cocktails.


CBD hemp oil, unlike medical cannabis, is available to everyone, whether they have a prescription or not. Since the potency of different batches of marijuana is different, you can get it from a dispensary. You have to decarboxylate or decarb cannabis to drink. This is because the active cannabis ingredients are heat-activated. You can decor your kitchen, then proceed to make your cocktail.


We sell various hemp-based CBD products to those who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card but seek over-the-counter relief.

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